Pyramiding: A Dangerous Strategy

Pyramiding is including to roles as price goes in the desired pattern route. Pyramiding is a highly competitive trading technique suitable only for full-time professional traders who know how to management risks and have the self-discipline to perform a examined strategy continually. Pyramiding should be implemented only according a pre-specified and examined technique which includes an effective stop-loss.

Although pyramiding improves income if the pattern carries on as expected, pyramiding also improves failures if the pattern removes, so danger management is key. Reward/risk tradeoffs easily turn against the chart investor when the price pattern removes. Because including to roles changes the all inclusive costs of the entire place on a per-unit basis toward the last price, a quick change to the original access price can outcome in a significant reduction. And if the price changes route easily and significantly, such as on a gap or fast market, it can be impossible or difficult to limit danger according to strategy.
The signal to add to roles may be activated at pre-specified prices that confirm the pattern route. Such prices might be based on movements bands, moving earnings, a variety of trendlines, sensible chart factors, transmission of resistance levels, and so on.
The conventional chart, which is also known as the scaled-down chart or erect chart, starts with a large preliminary place and is followed by pre-specified extras that decrease continually in dimension as price goes in the indicated pattern route. For example, if the preliminary access was for 100 stocks, then as price goes to the next pre-specified stage add 50 more stocks, then 25 more at the next stage, then 13 more, for a complete of 188 stocks.
The ugly chart, which is also known as the equivalent amounts chart, contributes to an preliminary place in equivalent share-size amounts. For example, if the preliminary access was for 100 stocks, then as price goes to the next pre-specified stage add 100 more, then if the price carries on 100 more, then 100 more, for a complete of 400. Here, however, the average price per discuss is much higher, such that a smaller price change reduces all revenue. The ugly chart provides higher prospective compensate at the price of much probabilities, as compared to the conventional, scaled-down chart.
The showing chart continually contributes to a place up to a pre-specified price range, then it reduces the place continually as the pattern carries on, so the showing chart is not a pure pattern following technique. If the price does have a major move in the indicated pattern route, the showing chart would outcome in less revenue than both the conventional and ugly pyramids.
The maximum-leverage chart keeps on including highest possible dimension up to the limits of gathered income and edge requirements. This is the most competitive technique possible, and it provides the highest possible prospective compensate, the highest possible danger, and the worst reward