Forex History - The History of Forex Trading

Old people say: “Only those who know their past can create good future”. Well, what a great proverb! Do you agree? And, looking back to the world history – it really works! So we can use it to nearly every part of our life. Including our business of course. Every person who is serious in his intentions to get to the top with Forex should definitely know the foreign exchange market – or simply saying Forex history. Do you know Forex History well? If no, than you’re on the right track to find out all of the Forex History just for you here!

Automated Forex Trading, the Best Way to Trade FX

Did you ever hear some rumors about the fact that currency trading is more than risky and there are only few people who win while everyone ends up losing? Well what a fail, right? But, under every fail there’s a bit of truth. Yes, trading is risky. But it’s all in our heads.

Forex Money Management

We have something really serious to talk about today. Of course about money again, but… This time not about spending and so on, but about saving. Have you ever heard about Forex money management or money management at all? Forex money management rules? If no, then sit down and read this. Carefully. Think on this topic, never stop thinking till you understand every word. This is important.